Benefits of Almonds That Everyone Should Know of

Benefits of Almonds That Everyone Should Know of

There are many nuts and seeds that are popular for their health benefits. One such nut is the almond. Almonds can be consumed in many ways, be it raw, added to desserts or curries or even salads. They are nutritionally dense and taste quite nice to include in your daily diet. If you aren't aware of badam benefits, we're here to tell you all about it and more through this blog.
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If you are one of those people who absolutely love munching on some almonds every day or consume them in any way possible, you already know that they are highly nutritious and packed with lots of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fats. So many of us are told by our mothers and grandmothers that almonds are phenomenal for our health, but how many of us truly know about all the health benefits these tree nuts hold? Do you know if it's better to eat soaked almonds or raw or roasted? About the different types of almond allergies? Well, if you don't have answers to any of these questions, let us give you an in-detail insight into the same starting with some almond benefits.

Benefits of Eating Almonds:

Here is a list of almond benefits that will make you understand how it's one of the best nuts for your skin, hair, brain, heart and so much more.

1. Almonds for Hair:

Did you know that a lack of magnesium in your body can lead to hair fall? Almonds are loaded with magnesium (1) which means consuming them on a daily can help you with consistent hair growth and even make them stronger. Not just that, one of many almonds uses is almond oil to treat hair problems like preventing grey hair. You can also use almond oil to cure dandruff and other common hair issues like dry scalp, weak hair, etc (2). You can trust almond oil to give you the silky and shiny hair of your dreams.

2. Almonds for Skin:

Almonds can also be eaten every single day to improve your skin health. Not only does this nut have anti-ageing properties, but it can also treat acne and blackheads or whiteheads. Almonds have fatty acids that can control the oil that generally clogs your skin pores resulting in acne, blackheads and whiteheads (3). Hence, when you apply some almond oil to your affected areas, it can also help soothe your skin. One of many almond benefits for the skin is that it can treat stretch marks by nourishing your skin and preventing skin tears. Just make sure to consistently apply some warm almond oil on your skin twice a day to see great results.

3. Almonds for the Brain:

One of the badam benefits is that it can help in the growth of brain cells due to the presence of L-carnitine and riboflavin in them. A chemical called phenylalanine helps your brain in cognitive function which you can get through almonds. Hence, it is recommended to consume at least five to six almonds every morning as it aids in boosting brain powder.

5. Almonds for Heart:

Did you know that you can use almond benefits to improve your heart health? (4) That's right. The antioxidants present in these tree nuts are proven to be healthy and help reduce blood pressure and improve the blood flow to all parts of your body. Hence, it is highly recommended to eat a handful of almonds along with some other nuts to better your heart health.

healthy heart

4. Almonds for Cholesterol:

One of many almond uses is for increasing the levels of vitamin E in your body in order to reduce high cholesterol levels (5). You can either eat a handful of raw almonds daily or put almond milk benefits to use by consuming a glassful of it every morning. Either way, increasing vitamin E levels in your bloodstream will save you from the risk of developing cholesterol.

6. Almonds for Weight Management:

With almonds being low in carbohydrates & high in protein and fiber (6), they can help you feel full for long hours. This can stop you from eating more than the required food throughout the day which ultimately results in weight management. One of almond milk benefits is also to help you watch your weight, which is why so many people are now switching from cow milk to almond milk as it helps curb your appetite.

Nutritional Value of Almonds:

Now that you are aware of all the badam benefits, here is the nutritional value of one ounce of almonds (7) -

  • Calories: 165
  • Fiber: 3 grams
  • Protein: 6 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 6 grams
  • Fat: 14 grams

Soaked vs Raw vs Roasted Almonds: The Best Way to Eat Almonds

1. Soaked Almonds:

Overnight soaked almonds is the best way to eat almonds. Soaking these tree nuts can help reduce the amount of phytic acid in them, making them easier to digest.(8)  This acid can effectively lower the amount of zinc, calcium and manganese that's absorbed by your body. Isn't that one of the best soaked almonds benefits for your overall well-being?

soaked almonds

2. Raw Almonds:

A lot of people like eating roasted almonds, but it's better to eat them raw as they are loaded with iron, potassium and magnesium. They're also packed with vitamin E which can support heart health and keeps your immune system strong (9). Raw almonds can benefit people with diabetes over roasted almonds.

3. Roasted Almonds:

Roasted almonds are of course, more flavourful but tend to have a higher salt content. In comparison to raw almonds, roasted ones are more digestible. But both of these types of almonds have a high-fat content.

Types of Almond Allergies:

Now that you know enough about the best way to eat almonds along with the benefits of the same, here are some almond allergies you should be aware of.

There are two types of almond allergies. One that is common is the primary allergy where your body usually reacts negatively to these nuts directly. This is the type of allergy that is severe potentially causing reactions that may lead to anaphylactic shock.

The second type of almond allergy, the secondary allergy, is less common and is caused by cross-reactivity. For example, if you're allergic to birch pollen, which is a common allergen for hay fever, you can get an almond allergy through cross-reaction with some chemicals present in the nuts. The symptoms of secondary allergy are hive breakouts, swelling of the mouth and itching.

Even if you don't consume almonds directly, you can still get an allergic reaction to food items that use almond oil as an ingredient. Hence, if you know for sure that you are somehow allergic to almonds, be sure to stay away from products that use almonds in any form. Consult a medical expert when you get any sort of allergic reaction to almonds to get it treated well.

#FittifyTip: Try our Pistachio almond slim meal shake that may help in losing up to 4kg in 2 months in a healthy way. This meal repalcement shake contains dietary fiber, 25 vitamins and minerals along with 5 superfoods. When you replace one portion of this shake with one regular meal, it means you consume 60% fewer calories vs an average Indian meal with 50% daily vitamin nutrition. This can help you successfully manage weight.

Almonds Price in India:

Almonds price differs from place to place. 1 kg raw almonds price in India has usually ranged anywhere between Rs. 1000 to Rs. 1500. Whereas 1 kg roasted almonds are priced between Rs. 1300 to Rs. 1680. It depends on one brand to the other.


After understanding all the almond benefits, you must start to consume these tree nuts along with your daily diet as it will only better your overall health. Remember, excessive consumption of anything can prove harmful to your health. So eat only a handful of almonds each day, not more. If you notice any allergic reaction to almonds, make sure to consult a doctor and avoid using any products that contain almonds as an ingredient in any form.


  • How many almonds can I eat in a day?

1 ounce or about 23 almonds a day is the ideal daily portion that is recommended by dietary guidelines. Almonds are high in protein, fiber, calcium and vitamin E along with riboflavin and niacin, so make sure you get the daily dose of these nuts.

  • Who should not eat almonds?

Kids or older people with difficulty swallowing should avoid eating almonds as it can increase the risk of choking. People with dementia and Parkinson's disease must also avoid the consumption of almonds.

  • Are almonds safe to eat on an empty stomach?

Almonds are filled with nutrients, so you can eat them directly and more preferably on an empty stomach as it helps increase and speed up the absorption of nutrients.

  • Do almonds cause heat in the body?

Raw almonds can produce body heat that can lead to piles, boils and other such conditions. Hence, it is recommended to eat overnight-soaked almonds as the nutrients are absorbed more easily by your body that way.

  • What are the possible side effects of consuming almonds?

If you suffer from digestive issues, eating a lot of almonds can cause an upset stomach, bloating and diarrhoea. The hydrocyanic acid in almonds can also cause cyanide poisoning in your body. Also, large amounts of this acid in your body can cause breathing issues or choke.